Friday, January 3, 2014

skyping! and christmas amazing stuff!!:)

OH MY GOODNESS SKYPING WAS THE BEST. You guys are AWESOME. Said it a million times, and I'll say it a million more, I HAVE THE BEST FAMILY EVER TO LIVE ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET. 

Also, good thing I had to spend the first 15 minutes de-awkwarding myself. Hahah and of course, 3 seconds after we log off my brain is flooded with tons of things I wanted to say. Oh well, Mother's Day na lang ;)

I LOVED my Christmas package!!! I have literally worn the nightgown (which I call my "starry night ((thats what its called in The Wind Boy, right?)) every night since Christmas. I spend a good 20 minutes with the back massager daily. I have enough water powder to last me about 5 months, PRAISES BE. New garments. Nuff said. Literally, the best stuff ever. You're all the best. 

So after I stopped skyping you all, we headed to the church for our Christmas baptism! Mario and Rhystyl were baptized along with John Anthony from the Elders. Our WML has decided to "do his calling on his own"(not sure how that works?) because he won't work with missionaries "who baptize unqualified candidates". He accused us of baptizing Rhystyl too young (yeah, she's 10) and of Mario too soon (been an investigator since March). So.... yeah. We didn't really know how serious he was until we showed up at the church and it was still locked... 15 minutes before the baptism was supposed to start. Thank goodness one of the ward members around the corner had a key and we were able to get in, set up, and go through with everything. It was a really nice service anyways, ward members came and bishop still came and all the families of our investigators came!! Plus, what a great experience for them to be baptized on Christmas! (Us Manwarings, so ahead of our time ;) #Hannah #Clayton). 

After the baptism we hopped on a ceres bus to La Carlota to visit Sister Lisaca's family! Oh the joys of having a short-term missionary! La Carlota is about 2 hours out of the city. It was the first time that I've been outside the city since I've been here since Sisters are generally assigned close to the mission home (not anymore!) and OH MY GOSH. GOOGLE DIDN'T LIE. The Philippines really IS gorgeous!!! I'd only seen the city, which has its beauty as well! But wow. I was dying. I couldn't believe I've been here almost 8 months and only just now seen where I live! *Pictures to follow*

Once we got to La Carlota we took a trike a little ways out to Massville, where she lives, and met all her family and friends!! That was a weird experience haha you don't usually meet your companion's family! She had me speak only english to them at first and then break out in Ilonggo during the lesson. They were like "How long have you been here?" 
     "Almost 8 months!"
     "Oh, wow! And... hows your language?"
     "Oh, its fine! I can understand quite a bit now!"

Hahaha there faces were priceless when we started teaching, genius on the part of  Sister Lisaca, they all payed attention so well ;) 

Sister Lisaca said that its tradition for visitors to share a talent. I asked if they had a violin hahaha. They were all like "Sing! Sing! Sing!" Yeah.... no hahaha. But they wouldn't stop so I had to sing! I sang Silent Night. First time I've ever sang a solo. Ever. The good side is the people here are honestly soooooo tone deaf. So if you can sing on key you are basically Whitney Houston. 

They all asked if I had pictures of my family to show, so I pulled out the ones you guys sent. They were like "Oh nice, but where are you in this?" hahahahahaha yay. Then once I pointed myself out they were like "Oh wow. You know you really look very very different. Like, you are so beautiful in this picture. Oh my, you couldn't look more opposite!" Well thanks haha Merry Christmas to you too ;) I'm basically used to that by now, a healthy dose of humility, eh? ;)

So basically, it was one of the best Christmases ever. I got to see my family, see my investigators baptized, travel, presents. Couldn't ask for anything more :)

I forgot to write down stuff from my journal so sorry if this entry is kind of scattered! I'll try and think of things haha. 

I saw a curves!!! Yes. There is a curves in the Philippines. WHAT. 

So get this- Me and Sister Lisaca were talking about holiday traditions and I was telling her about a New Years Eve kiss and she was like, so horrified. As is. She was like "Sister! no! That is soooo vulgar!!" hahahaha okay. Let's review. People here POOP, PEE, and BLOW THEIR NOSE INTO THE AIR, in public, anytime they feel like it. I have literally stepped in human poo more times than I can count. Had people powerfully blow their nose straight up into the air... while sitting across from me on the jeep. But kissing in public is vulgar. Makes sense. 

As you could see from skyping, I get stuck in this Ilonggo-English limbo all the time. My brain isn't sure what language to do. Example: I was reading a sign at a bakery that said "Affordable, quality, baking" on 3 separate signs and I only saw "baking" and I was like "Bah-keeng? What the heck is bah-keeng?" Then I realized it was ENGLISH. BAKING. GANI. Also, I guess that I speak Ilonggo in my sleep. And it freaks out Sister Lisaca hahah and in the morning shes like "Sister, you were teaching in your sleep again! You said 'Ay te! Importante gid ang pagpabunyag! Te the 3rd? Himu-on mo bala haw?' and it scares me, Sister!" hahahah poor thing. 

I met a girl named Tricia Nicole. She got her name because she was born in a "Tricycle". Yep. 

I LOVED my personal study today. Okay, I love my personal study every day haha :) But this morning I read in Alma 26. Anyone have doubts about serving a mission? READ THAT CHAPTER. 

So we met a new investigator this week, Alice. She's 10 and my goodness "the light of Christ is strong with this one". She said she wants us to teach her every day and that she loves learning about Jesus because it makes her feel super peaceful and excited at the same time and she has read the stuff we left her at least 4 times and cut out the pictures from the pamphlet to put on her walls and when we went back to visit last night she goes "Wait here! I talked to my friends and they want to listen too!" and she comes back 2 minutes later with NINE of her friends. And then helps us to teach them the first lesson. Honestly, the children are so much more spiritually sensitive than adults! Just like in 3 Ne. 26:14 when Jesus taught the children and then the children taught their parents even greater things than Jesus had taught them! I love teaching the kids here. They just group around and you and its the coolest feeling. Hahaha but sometimes the younger ones will get distracted with my arm hair or my eyes and not pay attention haha ;) Neliza, our recent convert, her daughter got a barbie for Christmas and apparently named it "Sister Manwaring" hahaha. 

Well, as always I LOVE THE GOSPEL. It's ridiculous how much more I learn and understand every day! Do we realize what we have? Who cares about all the self-help books in Barnes and Noble trying to promise happiness here and success there, we have a Heavenly Father who has given us the perfect way! Literally. More happiness that you can imagine. Just like Cam said, its like Harry Potter magic but better!! And real!! AND I LOVE MY MISSION. Just like Sister Ellsworth said, every day is an adventure! I LOVE MY FAMILY. Can't say that enough. I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING :)

Have the best week ever :) Talk to you soon! 

Sister Manwaring 


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