Monday, December 2, 2013

Helping sister bendoy

CAM. OH MY GOODNESS YOU ARE A HERO. I first heard of the fundraiser when the Zone Leaders texted and said I was famous on facebook, I was so confused and asked how, they thought I was playing around so didn't text back. Then, later that day we're at a members house and they're like "Oh! You're on KSL with Sister Bendoy!" And pull up the article for me to see. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU ALL. Honestly, that makes me so happy that you did this, this will be such a HUGE blessing in her life. I really like the idea of setting up all the funds, she is finished with her schooling but I know that will help put her life back together! (Selfish sidenote: I am regretting SO MUCH to not have taken a decent picture with her so that laura ingalls braid picture didn't have to circulate the internet hahaha. Even my Zone Leaders commented on it and were like "Yeah... your picture sure is funny.." hahaha. Its okay though! This is for Sister Becerra and thats what counts!) 

We should be having a baptism on Saturday!! This will be my first baptism in this area and it's about time!! Sometimes I wish I was in germany or somewhere where if you get someone to let you in their house its a miracle because this weekly baptisms thing can KILL YOU. STRESS. DEATH. Don't get me wrong, its amazing to know that is completely possible here, but we still face all the hardships of people not progressing, not accepting, not keeping commitments, not showing up for interviews or church or appointments, and then are expected to baptize every seven days. And throw on top of it all PERFECTIONIST ME. So thats just to give you an idea of what these last two transfers have been here in this area. SO awesome but with moments of death-be-upon-me-put-me-in-a-non-weekly-baptisms-mission. SO with all that being said, Neliza (correct spelling of Nerissa) will be baptized on Saturday! She is so so so ready, the only reason why she hasn't been baptized yet is her church attendance, every sunday something comes up- Her daughter has to go to the hospital, her son has to go to the hospital, her and her husband had a fight, her grandma went to the hospital, her aunt had a stroke (obviously, not a very healthy family haha). But she has been at church the past three weeks and yesterday was her last to qualify for baptism this saturday. Sister Becerra are at church yesterday morning and her fellowshipper shows up without her. I thought I was going to die. She says that when she went by they were getting ready to go to the hospital AGAIN. (Her daughter has a parasite so they're always going in for checkups and things) So we just grab our bags and go, not willing to let it pass that easily. We show up to her house, I'm praying constantly the whole ride over to not let this fall through, and we are able to convince her to come to sacrament meeting and then leave after for the hospital. *sweet hallelujah* She comes to sacrament, making her necessary 4 weeks. After the meeting we get the Elders to interview her but like a dummy I forgot her forms (haven't done this yet on my own) so they agree to interview her anyways and I will bring the forms tomorrow. Passes her interview, everything is great, baptism on Saturday! Then, that night we go by to get all her information for her baptism record.... find out SHE ISN'T MARRIED TO HER HUSBAND. When she told us she was married she meant BEFORE. To ANOTHER man. (In the philippines once you are married that is it. No more marriage for you. So its very common for people to leave a husband or spouse and start a different family, because there isn't divorce here). For us, this means she will need to be interviewed by President Lopez for co-habitation, letting people still be baptized in situations like this. So we text President Lopez requesting the interview and he texts back "Call me when you get home tonight". So of course, being me, I start freaking out because I'm so stressed that we haven't had a baptism yet and then now we finally have one and things keep popping up and I should've known she wasn't married and could've if I'd only done her record sooner and I should've remembered about the record cause thats obviously and important part of anyones baptism and within about 7 seconds I would rather just get put out in the bukid where President didn't ever have to deal with me again. 
*Harry-potter-voldemort-is-in-the-next-room-scar-splitting-stress-headache* Sister Becerra, bless her soul, was like "Whoa. CALM DOWN. I'm sure nothing is wrong, you're stressing over nothing." So we get home and call, I couldn't even call, I made her haha, and of course IT WAS FINE. We weren't in trouble at all, he just wanted to talk about her and schedule her interview. I was so exhausted from stressing out that I fell asleep in planning, just passed out in my proselyting clothes, woke up at 10:30 just long enough to move from the desk to the bed. Also, we were fasting this whole time for everything to work out with her baptism and with our other investigators so I was weak and grumpy besides hahahaha. Lesson to learn: CALM DOWN. No one will be baptized if I am dead hahaha. So now Neliza has her interview today at 12, in 45 minutes, and should everything work out fine, next week I'l be sending you the pictures of her baptism :) 

I'm so excited for you all to go on vacation for Christmas and I can't wait to see the pictures! Sister Becerra and I should be having thanksgiving at Sister Marty's house (she knows about thanksgiving because her husband is from Hurricane, remember I told you about them?) so that should be fun! 

Sera, your dance looked awesome. You are too beautiful. Stop it. 
Clay, thanks for your note!! Dad sent me a pic of your long hair, you're crazy!
Nate, love you buddy!! I'm sure you're driving all the girls crazy ;)
Hannah, thanks for taking over my room. haha joke, it looks cute, I'm glad you left my BYU banner :)

I love you all so much!!! Hope you have a FANTASTIC week :) 

Sister Manwaring 

PS if you can send a pocket hymnbook in my package that would be the best!!

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