Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Post earthquake, success update, happiness equate...unedited version :)

TRANSFERS THIS WEEK. We find out sometime today what will happen to us. I want soooooooooo bad to stay with Sister Becerra!!! Honestly, this last transfer has been THE BEST. It's almost been like being companions with Sera, I kid you not. I 100 billion percent trust in whatever happens.... but please send some special prayers my way! :)
Last Monday we went and had dinner with a member in the ward, Marty, and lo and behold we find out that she is Lexi Jocelyns aunt. :O and she was even in Hurricane last feb. she went to coral cliffs cinema and even ate bumbleberry pie. I was dying, she has literally been 5 minutes from our house not to mention she is related to lexi, such a small world!!
PLEASE don't be scared by those pictures that president is putting online. AND DON'T SHARE THEM ANYWHERE. I promise I don't look that bad, those camera people just hide out like paparazzi and get you when you're least expecting it.
As for the earthquake, for us it was just way funny. We were doing our studies and I started to feel motion sick and it felt like our desks were moving so I look up from studying thinking that sister Becerra was just shaking the desk or something and she did the same and then we were like "Oh my gosh!! Earthquake!" And ran downstairs and outside and were just standing there while everything was swaying and moving and our neighbor was outside just chilling by his rolling trike and laughing at us. We basically just reacted like the old man from freaky friday. "Grampa can you pass the milk? Grampa passs theee milkkkk! *shakes table* "Earthquake? Earthquake!!!". No one here was hurt thank goodness and it was the highlight of everyones day, we were in lessons later and we would just finish sharing the first vision or something and they would follow up with "so did you feel that earthquake earlier?" *facepalm*
Sammy and Mary Glor were baptized last friday!!! You remember Mary Glor? I'm pretty sure I mentioned her in earlier emails, her and her husband were baptized!! I wanted so bad to attend but its too far from our area. Either way, I'm just so so so happy for them!!
One of the ward members has a violin, as you saw from the video they sent, and even though its 3/4 size and makes me miss my own violin, it was so much fun to play it!! For like 2 seconds I couldn't remember any songs, then it all started coming back and it was soo great to play again! They asked me to play with their ward choir performing in stake conference this sunday so I got to take the violin home and I just played it all during lunch. But, with transfers I don't know if I'll still be here on Sunday :( Either way, so glad I got to play again!!
The rescue is still really huge here, out of the 36 thousand members in bacolod city alone 26 thousand are less active in the church. We had such a cool experience with one of the less actives that Sister Becerra and I have really been focusing on visiting this last week, Leah. She's been inactive for about a year but is super great, reads the scriptures every day, gives us referrals, comes to work with us, but just doesn't come to church. So we made a plan to visit her daily and not teach a lesson, just leave a prayer, small verse, or a hymn with her and go. About 5 days in as we're leaving she looks up with tears in her eyes and thanks us for being her angels and then calls out "I love you!' as we walked away, then the next day she told us how she was praying to know what to do about church and she had a voice in her head say "GO", so she told us that is exactly what she was going to do and committed herself to church on sundaySunday rolls around and there she is with the biggest smile on her face :) As good as it feels to see investigators progressing and attending church, it feels so great to see someone who has strayed come back into the fold.
Speaking of church attendance, Mitchet, Mario, and Dina were all at church on Sunday!! Mitchit is super golden and is getting baptized on the 31st of this month. Mario is a longtime investigator that after a few DTR lessons has decided to really commit to baptism. And Dina is a woman that we found a while back when we heard from Mario's family that her baby had died. In this mission one of the best feelings ever is seeing investigators at church. People will let you in to teach, they'll accept baptism dates, accept commitments, they just don't do so well at following through. So when you see someone doing what they've said they'll do, that really is the best feeling ever.
Sister Becerra and I had sooooo much fun this week. She has the same kind of humor as me and Sera. Like, the "where the wild things are" movie night where me and sera were going to have a heart attack from laughter and everyone was like "shut up or leave!" kind of humor. I can't even explain how because it'll just sound dumb, but we are totes going to be bffz 4evs.
Sister Becerra has a problem smacking me when mosquitos are on me. We'll be walking, in a lesson, whatever, and if theres a mosquito she'll just hit me hahahaha. We were going back one day to contact some houses where we had left pamphlets and while we're waiting for one of them to come to the door a mosquito lands right on my chest and WHACK she just kills it and just then the person comes to the door and there is just squished bloody mosquito smeared on my chest.No, they didn't want to hear our message hahaha.  (maybe edit out the next part before posting on the blog haha) When we walked away we were laughing so hard I almost peed my skirt. Then later i did. Because I do that because I'm still 3 years old and Sister Becerra is too funny for my own good. We were talking and she goes "I don't want to Nephi" just like laman from the book of mormon videos always says in that nasaly voice and it was sooooooo funny and I already had a near exploding bladder and it started to come a little then just came a lot. Like, down my leg. So I took the walk of shame over to a boomba (pump), ran it over my legs, went into the lesson, then had to make a special trip to go home and change myself. If you read this story while looking at those horrid pictures president posted you may question whether or not I will be able to get married after this mission...
Every day in studies you read from the white handbook in companionship study and we always read it in british accents. Except, it usually goes back and forth between british and australian cause we're not that good.
When we're going to bed at night we'll lay there just talking like Sera and I would always do and then it would be past bedtime so we'd have to stop and I still lay there for another 6 minutes with all these things I want to say popping in my head and I just have to hold them all in and then we'll wake up in the morning and be like "oh my gosh, i have so much to tell you!" hahaha
Our house makes so much noise and the fans are always blowing doors shut and stuff and it scares us so bad so we blame it all on a ghost named Joanne. We'll be studying and the door will slam and we'll be like "dang it joanne!" 

Well, I think that's about it for this week! As always, I LOVE the work, the people, my companion, the area, the food, the jeepneys, even the pouring rain and sweat! I love you all and I love this gospel :) Have a great great great week!!!!! \
Love you more than being pretty and non-sweaty and skinny ;)
Sister Manwaring <3

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