Sunday, October 6, 2013

Elder Neil L. Anderson visting the mission!!! (in november)

Thanks for your letters, even if you are super busy I'm so glad you always take the time to write me :) Sounds like you still had a great race mom! I'm so proud of you! And clayton, quilting is definitely a talent. Go for it buddy!
Really great week this week! Sister Becerra and I are just the bestest of friends. We are honestly twins and have so much fun. We even ended up matching on Sunday for church, both of us went and got ready and then came out and were wearing red and gray and had our hair in a side fishtail braid. Reminded me of when Sera and I would match alllll theeee timeeeee.
So the upper floor of our apartment had no power this week and thats where our beds and study desks are so we had to take our mattresses down to the kitchen and have sleepovers for like four nights because there is no way we could survive without fans at night haha.
We also had exchanges this week, I was so sad to leave Sister Becerra! But the exchange was good, I always learn so much! I went with the Sister Training Leader, Sister Libria, to her area to work and ended up running into my Bishop from Sum-ag's brother at one of our teaching appointments. It was fun to have that little connection from my last area! Sister Libria is on her 2nd to last transfer so I learned a lot from her, and one of the things she taught that we're implementing here in the mission is "Finding Through Prayer". Basically, it's the funnest thing ever. You just go up to someone at their house or wherever, introduce yourselves, and ask if you can offer them a prayer. At home this probably wouldn't work because people would just be weirded out and be like "Um, you want to pray for me? Yeah I'm good." haha but the people here get so flattered and love it, we ask them what they would like us to include in the prayer, any special needs or anything, and then we offer a prayer for total strangers. It brings the spirit super well and is one of my favorite acts of small and quick service. After we pray we leave them with a pamphlet and a small message concerning one or two principles, then we try and make a return appointment and ask them to offer a prayer before we leave. If people are shy about praying we just guilt them into it by being like "Oh but brother, what if we get hit by a car?" or "We're girls, we need extra protection." hahah and then they usually give a really nice sweet prayer for us. It only takes like 8 minutes so we do them all the time. It's also a really good way to get into the houses of some of the more well off people which is what they've been encouraging us to do to help build up the church here. Plus, they usually have air-con so score! haha ;)
Oh yeah! Big news! Elder Neil L. Anderson is coming to our mission!!!!!! He comes in the first of November and I'm sooooooooo excited!!!!!!!! Also, GENERAL CONFERENCE SOON. AHHHHHHHHHH. But sad thing, since the days are off here, we watch a re-broadcast the week later :/ So in next weeks email don't spoil anything for me! Cause I won't know about it for another week! But yeah, I'm so so so so so so excited!!!!!!
When we were teaching a lesson the other day we hear what sounds like a very weird baby cry and the person that we're teaching was like "Oh, that's the neighbor, their baby" and was saying things like "New to the world!" and stuff and it turns out that the lady next to us just had her baby while we were teaching. She wasn't even,. like, yelling or anything! And then the baby was crying and everyone was gathered outside her hut handing in ice and stuff. At first I was shocked but then I was like "well, that's basically what I plan on doing, minus the hut" haha. Also, the hospitals here are TERRIFYING. We had to go to one the other day for Sis. Becerra to get a perscription refill and it was like a hospital from a scary movie, the beds were from like the 50's and I know there was a chainsaw murderer behind every door. So obviously, no one would want to have a baby there. But it was still weird to know that a lady 10 ft. from you was birthing while you were teaching haha.
One of our LA's lost 3 of her teeth the other day. How? She was pumping water from the boomba (pump) and the handle came up and smacked her in the face. And knocked out 3 of her teeth. So now she just has no more teeth.
There is a witch who lives here. Did I already tell you guys this? People here believe in witches and witchcraft and everything. Like, for reals. And we were teaching this old man outside his house and I look over his shoulder and a little ways away is this lady, this huge fat lady, totally NAKED, except for some rags that she had tied toga-style to her torso and a nephite headband wrapped around her dreads, just pacing back and forth and chanting. And I was like "Who the heck is that??" and the guy was like "Oh, don't call attention, that's the witch." I wish I could've taken a picture soooo bad hahaha. Or a video! But anyways, I have now seen a real life witch.
As a mission we've been studying Elder Bednar's talk about the strengthening and enabling power of the atonement (I may have mentioned it last week?) and it's sooooo good. I studied it back in school so I was already familiar with it and I also studied the topic back at the first of my mission, but its been sooooo cool to study it in preparation for all the stuff coming up in the mission. Sister Becerra and I basically talk about it every single companionship study and highlight some other aspect of it or something every time and how it relates to us exactly in our circumstances that day. If you haven't read it, go find it and read it for family home evening or something, it's so so good!

Well, that's all I've got for this week!! I love this mission, even if its crazy haha, and I love these people, I love my companion, I love learning and growing every day, I love my Savior, I love you all, and I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY :)
Have an awesome week!!!!
-Sister Manwaring 

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