Monday, June 3, 2013

Flower pot cooking, floods, massive pig, sharing the love

I just love you guys so much, I swear every single second my love for you just grows and grows until i'm going to explode. When I get home we are all going to get into mom and dads bed and stay there for 4 months. kay? kay. 

So! This week! It actually went by somewhat fast? I know, I'm just as surprised as you are. hahaha I should clarify, by somewhat fast I mean it didn't feel like 7463 years like every other week hahaha :) Just like a normal week! So yay! Right now I can't help but wanted time to go fast but I know that if I give myself just a few short months I'll be wanting it to slow down. We always want the opposite of what we have right now haha :)

Anddddddd nowwwwww what happened to Sister Manwaring this week!

Tuesday: So we ran out of gas for our stove and we couldn't cook our rice or anything.. or so I thought! I'm getting my stuff ready to go and buy gas and Sister Bendoy goes outside and comes back with this like flowerpot thing? And it's full of coals and theres like a space on the bottom to start a little fire and she just starts cooking with it right there in the corner of our kitchen hahah I had no idea how to help so i just fanned the smoke out the door and she went all Mr. Edwards (little house on the prairie of course) on me and cooked an entire meal of rice, fish, and noodles on a flower pot. I know it was just magic and I just didn't see her wand.
    So after we have our lunch ready, (btw it's raining insanely hard this whole time) we're sitting down to eat and I notice that my feet are wet..? And I hear something that sounds like it's raining in our apartment so we get up and go into the kitchen and we have our own niagra falls gushing out of the corner of the kitchen, flooding everywherrrreeee. So we hurry and get everything off the floor and then all we could do was wait for it to stop raining hahaha. After the rain stopped, we literally just had to sweep the water out the front door hahahaha. Our floors were very clean after haha! 
     After we finally got everything set to go out, we went and visited with all the lovely people here. That evening we were visiting a LA and there was this incredible golden-pink sunset and we were overlooking these rice fields and across the way someone was doing karaoke (everyone here LOVES karaoke haha it's so funny) and they were singing "what a wonderful world" and it was totes magical and awesome and stuff haha :)

Wednesday: So last week while we were waiting for a jeepney we started talking with this old woman (like 374 years old) who was at this little fruit stand by the road and we gave her a pamphlet and she agreed to have us come back to teach her, so on Wednesday we go to teach her and find out she just lives in the fruit stand on the road, and it's not like a little country road, it's the main city road, and there wasn't room for all of us to go inside so we just sat on the table outside the stand right on the road and taught her the first lesson. I don't think I ever couldn't imagined sharing the first vision while sitting on a table right next to a highway with a lady as old as abraham hahaha really hard to have the spirit! It still went well, she's continuing it progress and hopefully we'll see her at church this sunday!

Thursday: One of the members here, an adorable 13 year old girl, asked if I see everything in green because that's the color of my eyes. hahahahahahaha. So I asked her if she sees everything in brown hahaha. Everyone here goes nuts cause my eyes are green and my hair is light, and they always come grab my nose cause it's pointy hahaha. I don't think I'll ever get used to it! Then later that night we were going to a dinner appt and it was dark and we were going through an unfamiliar area so I just had my head down watching my footing and following sister bendoy and then I look up and see this MASSIVE PIG. It was literally as big as a horse. And I screamed hahaha. It was big you guys! So huge. 

Friday: My language is slowly but surely improving every day but I still have trouble with people understanding me completely hahaha, for instance I said to someone "Will you continue to repent through prayer?" And she begins to pray right then hahahaha and we just had to hurry and fold our arms haha, but thank goodness she didn't start repenting right then in front of us hahaha, and when she finished Sister Bendoy had to just repeat what I had asked haha. I've been leading everything as part of my training, planning, when we are out I take us to everyone, I lead lessons, so hard! hahaha but it's so good too, I already feel comfortable with mostly everything and I have an exchange on wednesday so we'll see how much I really know without Sister Bendoy! ahh! 
    Friday night we went to the home of a former investigator and the mom came out to talk with us and her oldest daughter came out as well, who is deaf. So I tried to sign to her what I remember from the deaf ward hahah and all I could rememeber was my name and "you'tre beautiful" so I said that and she just starts going off in sign language and I was like .... oh crap hahaha. That was all I could understand or say so I just had to keep smiling and nodding hahah. Oh that I had payed more attention in deaf ward primary! haha. 

Saturday: we had a baptism today!! yay!!! Christian Lopez. I'm not counting him as my first though cause he was already basically finished with the discussions when I got here. Still way exciting though! He was baptized along with another little girl in the ward and the font had a leak and had like 2 feet of water in it and was slowly leaking more and more and by the time that it was her turn she had to be baptized SEVEN TIMES because some part of her wasn't covered completely by the water hahaha it was so funny. She must've had a ton of sins to wash away ;D And we have another baptism this saturday! maricel! yayay. I'm also not counting her haha but still excited! 

Sunday: So it's fast sunday right? And fasting without water is way different in a place like the philippines hahahaha I had sweated out my water supply within an hour hahaha but fasting is awesome and worth it of course so that didn't matter, but then after church when we got home and broke the fast I ate and drank soooooo much and I know I was going to die. I had to go lay down and try to not explode hahahaha I even went into the bathroom and tried to throw up some of it (TMI hahaha sorry) but yeah basically I have the self control of a 2 year old. 
     After my stomach stopped trying to kill me we went out and found another former investigator, a 23 year old couple with an adorable little 2 year old, and holy. golden. lesson. In the opening prayer the mom thanked Heavenly Father for sending their family the missionaries again and prayed that now would be the time for her family to enter His church. I was just sitting there trying not to smile so big hahaha. So we teach them and they understand everything way good and we ended up committing them both to baptism. It was so so so awesome!! I hope so bad they continue to progress and just get baptized and go to church every week and read their scriptures and go to the temple and be sealed forever and be happy foreverrrrrrr!!!!!! So excited for them :)))

When we got home sister bendoy and I celebrated with oreos and peanut butter and then she made kettle corn and we were just like Charles and Caroline Ingalls hahahaha with our firecooked popcorn. Don't ask me why I have so many LIttle house on the prarie quotes hahaha I just do. 

Okay so I'm over time cause I had to send those pictures and they took forever to load hahaa but to quickly respond to your emails, MOM. HOLY CRAP HOW ARE YOU SO AWESOME????!??!? You're amazing I hope you know that. I prayed for you the whole time you were running and thought about you the entire day!!! I totally felt your conversation with me hahaha :) Tender mercy. And I just started crying when I read that in your email hahahaa I know these people in this internet cafe think I'm loony cause I just come in here every monday and bawl and laugh hahaha. So thank you for that, I totally felt it :) and dad!!!! If I can marry someone HALF as amazing as you I will be the luckiest person in the world. Kids!! You're all doing great and I love you so much!!!! keep writing me and trying to dear elder me!!! I'll write you each an email next week, so so so sorry I don't have time this week!!! And to all my friends, you guys are the best!!!! I print out your emails and keep them at home to read whenever I need a pick-me-up :) I love you all!!!!! I'm so lucky to have you all :) :) I hope this week is awesome for you, I pray for you every single second of the day and I love you all more than I could possibly ever say!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   plus some pictures!!:)

-Sister Manwaring :) <3 <3

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